Victory Temple Church of God in Christ has remained at the forefront of championing the gospel and impactful community engagement for the past four decades, and we want you to celebrate our legacy with us! Hence, it is with great joy in our hearts that we announce our 40th Year Celebration, Theme: “Celebrating our Legacy Rooted in Faith, Building our Future Growing in Grace!” on August 20, 2023, at 3:00 PM.
As part of the celebration, we are publishing a special memorial legacy book scheduled to be released on the celebration day. The book will showcase the remarkable memories and testimonies of our growth over the years. We would love for you to contribute your memories, offer words of congratulations and give your support to make this book a real keepsake. Write a full page, half page or one fourth page of your memory or memories.
Cash app: $vtcogic
Deadline for all submissions: Sunday, August 6, 2023 11:59 PM.
Here are the Donation options:
– $40 for a business card size entry
– $60 for 1/2 page historical memory entry
– $80 for a full-page entry
Special Donations for Plaque Displayed in Foyer:
– $400 as a “Building the Ministry” Member
– $1000 as a ‘Legacy Ministry‘ Member
– $4000 as a “Generational Key Intercessor” Member
You can set up your gift to repeat each month, each week, bi-weekly or any custom occurrence you set within our giving apps below. You have the option to donate over time – $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, $2500 or any amount you choose. ** ANY AMOUNT IS APPRECIATED.
Please add a note to indicate the purpose for your donation (“Building the Ministry” or “full page”, etc).
Alternatively, you can send a check or money order to:
Victory Temple Church of God in Christ
c/o 40th Anniversary Committee
PO Box 514
Windsor, NC 27983
Furthermore, we invite you to RSVP and attend our celebration on August 20, 2023. We look forward to celebrating our legacy with you and offering gratitude to everyone who supported us on our journey so far.
For more information on how you can contribute or to RSVP for the celebration, please contact:
Michelle Gilliam at (252) 414-1886 Email: [email protected]
or Latricia Miller at (252) 724-2372 Email: [email protected]
Thank you for your continued support, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you!
Sending Donations by mail:
Victory Temple Church of God in Christ
c/o #49yearsvtcogic
PO Box 514
Windsor, NC 27983