Supt. Gary L. Cordon, Sr. and Greater NC Jurisdiction Leaders and Lewiston Woodville, NC community entering The Evidence Church 2 on Dedication Day, November 4, 2023


*(Unless noted, the location of events will be noted to be at at Victory Temple Church of God in Christ, 116 Country Club Road, Windsor, NC or The Evidence Church 2 at 205 Cashie Street Lewiston Woodville, NC

In a world full of chaos, be the voice of hope and love. Join us in our mission to Win Souls, Keep Souls, Train Souls to Win Souls! JANUARY

January 3rd 11:00 AM-2:00PM | “Giving Back to the Community” at Victory Temple Church of God in Christ, 116 Country Club Road, Windsor, NC

January 14th 7:00 PM | Join Supt. Gary L. Cordon, Sr. in Revival with Greater Bazemore Temple Church of God in Christ, Windsor, NC 27983

January 18th   | Edenton District Fellowship Breakfast at Greater Harvest Fellowship Church of God in Christ, 1301 Hwy 561 W., Aulander, NC 27805

January 28th – 31st     |  Victory Crusade 2025 at Victory Temple Church of God in Christ , 116 Country Club Road, Windsor, NC

We are called to be the light in this world. Let’s shine bright by committing to Win Souls, Keep Souls, Train Souls to Win Souls! FEBRUARY

February 2nd 3:00 PM   | The Edenton District Pre-Conference Meeting at The Evidence Church #1, 116 Country Club Road, Windsor, NC

February 22nd 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM | Community Day at Victory Temple Church of God in Christ / The Evidence Church, 116 Country Club Road, Windsor, NC 27983 (see flyer here) *CANCELLED SNOW STORM*

February 23rd 12:00 Noon | Mega Crusade Worship Experience (ONE WORSHIP ONLY) 205 Cashie Street, Lewiston Woodville, NC

February 25th – 28th  7:00 PM Nightly | 89th ANNUAL “HISTORIC” EDENTON DISTRICT CONFERENCE at The Evidence Church #1, 116 Country Club Road, Windsor, NC


Every effort to reach out to others is worth it. Let’s continue to Win Souls, Keep Souls, Train Souls to Win Souls! MARCH

March 15th 9:00 AM | GNC JURISDICTIONAL CALL MEETING (National Assessments due for all credential holders)

March 16, 2025 3:30 PM | Annual Big Jar Coin Drive at Victory Temple Church of God in Christ, 116 Country Club Road, Windsor, NC

March 17th – 19th 7:00 PM | Edenton District Consecration Union at Edenton Church of God in Christ, 510 N Granville Street, Edenton, NC

March 22nd | Edenton District Women’s Training (LTTBA)

March 30th   4:00 PM   | Edenton District 5th Sunday AIM Fellowship at Edenton Church of God in Christ, 510 N Granville Street, Edenton, NC

Want to Make a difference in someone’s life? Join us in our mission to Win Souls, Keep Souls, Train Souls to Win Souls! Together we can make a lasting impact.APRIL

April 5th – 11:00 AM   | Greater North Carolina Jurisdiction Eight Annual Pink & Pearls Tea, Wendell, NC


April 28th – May 2nd   | GNCJ 104th Annual Ministers and Workers Conference at Jurisdictional Headquarters

Let’s work together to spread the message of Hope and Love. Remember we Win Souls, Keep Souls, Train Souls to Win Souls! MAY

May 11th | MOTHER’S DAY

May 17th | Edenton District Rainbow Tea (LTBA)

We have the power to change lives by sharing the Gospel JUNE


June 15th | FATHER’S DAY

June 18th-20th   | Greater North Carolina Jurisdictional AIM Convention, Wendell, NC  

JUNE 29th   4:00 PM | Edenton District 5th Sunday AIM Fellowship at Greater Harvest Fellowship Church of God in Christ, 1301 NC Highway 561 W, Aulander NC

The love of God is too great to keep to ourselves. Let's Win Souls and share His love with the world! JULY

July 14th – 16th   | Edenton District Consecration Union at Liberty Worship Center Church of God in Christ, 119 West Blvd, Suite B, Williamston, NC

July 28th – August 1st   | 104th Annual Holy Convocation, Wendell, NC

Every person we encounter is a soul worth saving. Let's Win Souls and make an impact for eternity! AUGUST

August 9th 10:00 AM   | Jurisdictional Missionaries Training, Wendell, NC

August 23rd | Edenton District Pink and Pearl Tea (LTBA)

August 31st 4:00 PM    | Edenton District 5th Sunday AIM Fellowship, Liberty Worship Center Church of God in Christ, 119 West Blvd, Suite B, Williamston, NC

We were created to Win Souls and bring others into the family of God. Let's fulfill our purpose and make an eternal difference! SEPTEMBER

September 24th – 26th   | GNCJ 36th Annual Jurisdictional Women’s Convention, Wendell, NC

Every SOUL is valuable and WORTH FIGHTING FOR. Let's Win Souls and fight the good fight of faith! OCTOBER

October 6th – 8th | Edenton District Consecration Union at Greater Harvest Fellowship Church of God in Christ, 1301 NC Highway 561 W, Aulander NC

October 18th – 9:00 AM | GNCJ Jurisdictional Call Meeting
(Reports due for Female Credential Holders)

October 22nd – 24th | GNCJ Mission To Men’s Conference, Pentecostal Temple, Plymouth, NC

There's nothing more fulfilling than seeing someone come to Christ. Let's Win Souls and experience the joy of salvation together! NOVEMBER

November 3rd – 9th   | 117th International Holy Convocation of the Church of God in Christ

November 10th – 11th   | General Assembly of the Church of God in Christ

November 22nd | Edenton District Women’s Training

We may NEVER know the IMPACT we make by sharing the GOSPEL, but we can trust that it's worth it. Let's Win Souls and trust in God's plan! DECEMBER

December 6th 9:00 AM   | GNCJ Jurisdictional Fellowship Service, Wendell, NC