How We Receive the Power of God
Thank you Intercessor King (woman of God) for this powerful statement. In my praying, God released revelation to me exactly how these statements are possible. These promises from God are conditional, not absolute. It’s only by walking obediently that these are true. Simple acknowledgement of or recognition of these will guarantee the stated outcome. This…
WePray Against Cancer
I’m praying now, I rebuke the powers of cancer and ALL of it’s associated spirits and demonic working. I rebuke the spirits that works in unbelief that causes fear to bring even more demonic spirits. I rebuke the spirit and angel of death. Your assignment is not here, your timing is not now. I speak…
WePray Against Sicknesses and Diseases
Dear Father, Your Word decrees that we were healed by the wounds, stripes and beating of your Son Jesus Christ. You also promised that you would send no diseases upon those who would walk in your promises and statutes. I ask for your mercy and forgiveness because We have knowingly and unknowingly violates your law…