Celebrating 26 years!
If you’re within 50 miles of Tarboro, NC, plan NOW to join Superintendent Gary L. Cordon, Sr. and The Evidence Church family at Gibraltar the Remnant Church, 809 Country Club Dr, Tarboro, NC, with Apostle Michael A. Williams and his wife, Pastor Gerenda Williams .

Traveling to Gibraltar the Remnant Church represents the outreach and evangelism efforts of Supt. Gary L. Cordon, Sr.’s  ministry. By collaborating and supporting other churches, we extend the reach of the Gospel, fostering a sense of unity in Christ and a shared mission to reach souls to be saved and transformed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Going to Gibraltar the Remnant Church to celebrate their 26th Church Anniversary is in line with the mission of empowering lives and transforming communities in the Tarboro/Princeville area, showing a commitment to spreading the message of Christ beyond our immediate congregation. We’re praying for the Lord to have His way. We’re asking God to give us salvation, healing, deliverance, break through, anointing and empowerment through the Holy Spirit.
Come and join us in this worship experience!

If you can’t join us, consider prayerfully giving your monetary support.

You can make donations by: Givelify:  https://giv.li/afh4nz or through

Cashapp: $vtcogic or https://cash.me/$vtcogic  

Please add a note to say what it’s for. 

Alternatively, you can send a check or money order for both The Evidence Church 1 and The Evidence Church 2 to:

Victory Temple Church of God in Christ

PO Box 514 

Windsor, NC 27983